This is a very loosely moderated private forum, which is open to the public once they become members. We do not and cannot see everything written here, and we may not see an offensive post right away, or indeed at all, unless it is brought to our attention. We are hosting a global digital "water cooler," around which athletes gather to "talk shop" and show photos of their “babies”. As such we cannot and do not accept any liability for what others post here. We can simply make our best effort to monitor abuse that is brought to our attention.
Moderation occurs after the fact, that is, we don't monitor a post before it is published. You post and we eventually read it (or not). Accordingly, anything you see that you consider abusive or in bad taste may be brought to our attention. The email address to use for such concerns is:
We cannot guarantee that your anonymity will be protected, so if the preservation of your anonymity is vital to you, do not post on this forum. That said, we will not sell your email address or information and all posters must be real people who will be vetted by our administrators.
You can post anything associated with swim, bike, run, or endurance training/racing in general. Items that are for sale should go in the Classifieds Forum.
We want to avoid trial-by-internet general outrage, so please, no rants, anonymous or otherwise. Do not EVER say somebody's product is unsafe unless you have rock-solid, demonstrable proof. This is for everyone’s benefit (we'd prefer your hot temper doesn't result in a lawsuit). Do not accuse anyone of taking performance enhancing drugs – leave that to USADA.